Singing Guide: Samantha Harvey

Singing Guide: Samantha Harvey

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Samantha Harvey is a British singer-songwriter who rose to fame through covers of popular songs on social media. Her versatile and emotive voice has made her a favourite among fans of pop and R&B music. If you are looking to improve your singing skills and learn how to sing like Samantha Harvey, this guide will help you out.

  1. Vocal Range and Voice Type
  2. The first step is to determine your vocal range and voice type. Use Singing Carrots' Vocal Range Test to find out your range and then compare it with Samantha Harvey's. This will help you choose the songs that suit your voice type.

  3. Breathing and Support
  4. Breath control and support are essential when singing pop and R&B music. Check out Singing Carrots' Breathing Basics and Breath Support articles to learn more about how to use breath properly while singing. You can also try the Farinelli Breathing exercise to strengthen your breath control.

  5. Unique Vocal Techniques
  6. Samantha Harvey is known for her unique vocal techniques, such as her use of melisma and runs to embellish her melodies. To learn how to incorporate these techniques into your singing, try the Pitch Training educational game, which includes exercises for agility and range. Use the Vocal Pitch Monitor to see your progress, and check out our article on Contemporary Vocal Techniques for more tips and information.

  7. Song Selection
  8. Choosing the right songs to practice is key when learning how to sing like Samantha Harvey. Use Singing Carrots' Song Search to find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty level, and genre preference. Look for songs that showcase Samantha Harvey's unique vocal style, like "Please" and "Bought It", and incorporate them into your practice routine.

  9. Performance Tips
  10. Once you feel confident with your singing skills, it's time to start performing. Check out Singing Carrots' How to Overcome Stage Fright and Tips for Performing on Stage articles for practical advice on how to be a confident and engaging performer.

By following these tips and utilizing the resources provided by Singing Carrots, you can improve your singing skills and learn how to sing like Samantha Harvey. Remember to practice regularly, be patient with yourself, and have fun!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.